Monday, 6 July 2015

Online Spokesperson

What is Spokesperson?
A spokesperson is someone who give your organization human form. It is effective that spokesperson connect with their audience, The spokesperson does not just read a statement, he/she is the statement.

The Criteria of a Good Online Spokesperson:
1. Stay within the scope of your responsibility--a spokesperson  must know what should do and what shouldn't.
2. Tell the truth--a spokesperson must not tell the lie to the audience
3. Follow up on issues-- a spokesperson must know and keep updating about the current issues
4. Expect criticism--a spokesperson must ready for any criticism at any time.

Example of a Good Spokesperson

Bill Cosby for Jell-O

The television actor and comedian has been a long time spokesperson for Jell-O products. In 2002, it was announced that he held the record for the longest continuous celebrity spokesperson for a product. In 2011, Cosby was inducted into the Advertising Hall of Fame. He was one of the first African Americans to appear in the United States as a spokesperson for products (he has been embraced by many other brands as well). As a spokesperson, Cosby has been commended for his credibility and believability thanks to his warm and fatherly personality, which helps provide an authentic-sounding endorsement of the products he speaks for.

More about Bill Cosby click here :)

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